The United Nations set aside today as a World Food Day to help recognize and raise awareness for the many in the world who go hungry. To kick start our day we took some cans of food to the Utah Food Bank. If you want to donate too, just follow this LINK to find the drop off location near you.
After that we made a quick trip to the library to get the books needed for our lessons this week. Daddy and Princess C took a walk outside, while Princess V and R helped me get the books.
Once home we made some frozen chocolate covered bananas.
Princess R really wanted in on them too. Check out how quickly she taught herself to "Crawl". It's not the best video, but only because she moved way too fast before we could get the camera out!
For an afternoon activity we read Gregory, the Terrible Eater. Then we made a list of what Gregory liked to eat and what he didn't, and then what the Princess' like and dislike. Princess V then got to practice writing the word GOAT on the chalkboard.
We ended our World Food Day with a dinner cooked by Daddy. Egg rolls, rice, squash and carrots, with sticky buns for dessert. YUM! The Princess' even ate the rice, and tried everything else. Princess C seemed to really love her egg roll!
And just to show off, Princess R is also really working on sitting up! She loves it!
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