Wednesday, January 12, 2011

F is for Fun and Family

Monday we started our unit on the letter F.  I thought a good way to kick the Monday blahs was to just have some Fun!  So that's just what we did, had lots of F-U-N!  We even made up a little cheer to learn how to spell fun.
Tuesday we focused on Family.  Although we live near some family, a lot of our family is spread out across the country (and the world!).  We kept it fairly simple, just learning the different names of family members - brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousin.  Then we looked at a picture of me and my siblings as kids to illustrate the brother sister relation.

and of course we couldn't look at this picture, and not take one of our own!

1 comment:

  1. You came from such a lovely family, Adelina. We are so lucky you chose to join our families together.
