Funny how it worked out that this week we'll be talking about the letter S and poor Princess R is sick. It all started Friday night at my Uncle C's graduation. Princess R started to get fussy and felt a little warm. King Dad took her out to walk around so I could see my baby brother graduate. We left after he walked because it was getting quite long for the Princesses. Princess R had a rough night, and woke up still not feeling well. I left her with Nana to run a race and then later that day to go on a birthday date with King Dad. I called to check in on the Princesses and Nana told me Princess R had a pretty high fever, but she gave her a cool bath and it seemed to help. Sunday she again woke up with a fever, and was lethargic the whole day and wouldn't eat anything. Sunday night her temperature hit 103.7, so King Dad took her into the ER. They did a bunch of tests, and concluded that she was dehydrated. They hooked up an IV and pumped some fluids in her and then sent her home. Sunday night was a rough one, but between King Dad and I we were able to settle her down for some sleep. Monday she was still tired the whole day but only took cat naps while I held her. She still had a fever and had some diarrhea as well. Of course our doctor was out of town the whole week, so I found a new one to take her in to. This dr concluded that it is a stomach bug, probably rotavirus. There's nothing we can do but continue giving her tylenol and ibuprofen. He did assure me though that she was not dehydrated anymore, which was my biggest concern.

One minute she's awake, but very cuddly
The next she's out, but still very cuddly.
Oh, even sick she is a beauty! My word, you two make beautiful girls! Get well quick darling Princess R, Grandpa and Grandma are coming!
ReplyDeletehope your little precious princess starts to feel better!!!