Saturday, March 20, 2010


I must apologize. Yesterday I said today was National Pancake Day. But when I did a little more research it was actually in February. So I'm guessing it's one of those days that change every year. When the book (Learning Express) was written it must have been today. OH well.
We had pancakes for breakfast. Using our wonderful book Beyond Oatmeal, we made an oatmeal pancake for breakfast. Turns out the Princess' really love to cook. Now if only they would eat it too, lol! I don't blame them this morning though. They weren't the best pancakes I've ever had. Probably my fault though. The recipe calls for raisins, and then says chocolate chips are optional. I figured the raisins were optional too, and since I didn't have any, we left them out. And added a lot of chocolate chips. It was supposed to be like an Oatmeal Raisin cookie (but oatmeal chocolate chip in our case). And I got the picture. But it definitely needed those raisins. It was dry and somewhat flavorless.
After this mornings attempt we decided just to have a fun family day. Dad helped by teaching the girls more about how to wash dishes. And then we took off. Went to a park. ran some errands. Went to a friends, stopped by the DI, and got our groceries.
We were going to have crepes for dinner, but none of us were feeling up to more pancakes. So instead while we ate, I read Pancakes Pancakes by Eric Carle.
Dinner was followed by a major blowout from Chloe, and then a bath. She's had a bit of an upset stomach, but it doesn't deter her from being a happy active little girl. It does explain her lack of appetite though.
Enjoy your Sunday! We'll be back here Monday!

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