Princess V's preschool has begun a backpack reading program. They have a small stack of books that the kids can choose from each day to bring home. They write their name on a library card (you know the old way libraries use to check out books?), place it in their name slot and bring the book home. I think this is a great way to help the kids enjoy reading! Last week we checked books out twice. First it was Are You My Mother by PD Eastman then we brought home The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman. I fell in love with this book! There's a mom and a dad, and they have a child who will only eat warm milk, nothing else. Every year or two they have another child, who also will only eat one specific food. The mom starts out happily cleaning up spilled milk, and getting more. After seven kids who are all picky, the mom begins to get tires, worn out and frustrated. There was one specific picture I truly connected to! I thought, boy I sure feel like that sometimes, haha.
Besides me being able to connect to this book, Princess V has also loved it. She asks us every night to read it, and then she takes it to bed with her to look at the pictures. The words in this book flow amazing. King Daddy even came up last night still ryhming, and smiling because he too enjoyed the book. I think we may put this on our Christmas list this year, to add to our shelf.
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